About This Guide
Robert has been guiding professionally for most of his life, be it in the mountains or on the ocean, a native of Hungary, Robert moved to America after the Berlin wall came down and made his way across the continent, climbing many of its mountains, he eventually arrived on the Pacific Coast and from here he ventured south, once more looking for mountains to climb and remote areas to explore, he arrived in Patagonia where he turned his gaze upon the Ocean and started to guide commercially from a sea kayak.
Since then Robert has journeyed all over the world, studying traditional medicine and healing therapies as well as guiding others on both the ocean and in the mountains. A very gentle and loving person, Roberts trips are unique in that he has a true care and compassion for others as well as a love for the outside world. He often complements his guiding with Yoga sessions and climbing.
In 2012 Robert spent a month with Sea Kayaking Cornwall, training in advanced personal skills, leadership, Incident Management and assisted Jeff Allen on Expeditions both in Cornwall as well as in Northern Norway
In 2013 Robert attended a course with the renowned skin on frame, traditional Qajaq/Iqyax builder Anders Thygessen and built himself an Iqyax and he then paddled this from Oslo to the north, journeying along the coastline and through many of the islands of Norway.
At present Robert fluctuates between time time guiding in the Lofoten Islands and then in Mexico where he works as a therapist at a natural health hospital.
Advanced Guide
Coastal Guide Modules Passed
Generic Modules Passed
Sea Kayaking Fundamentals Modules Passed
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