
front of yellow kayak looking toward the coast

The aim of this website is to create a transparent and clear overview of ISKGA Sea Kayak Guides, Module providers and observers.

Profile Pages

The profile pages represent the guides historical paddling/expedition career/experience, as supplied to the web site co-ordinator of I.S.K.G.A – by the guide.

I.S.K.G.A accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies in the information held within the guides profile page, but the information is, to the best of our knowledge correct.

Trainee & registered Guides

If the title beneath the guides profile picture indicates that he/she is an I.S.K.G.A Trainee or Registered Guide, it means that he/she is using the website for advertising purposes only, or that they have embarked upon the training program to become an ISKGA Guide. That they have registered themselves with the I.S.K.G.A but they have not yet completed their training, been approved or observed by any individual within I.S.K.G.A in any way.

The information within Trainee/Registered Guides profiles has not been validated by any individual within I.S.K.G.A and is portrayed only for the purpose of supporting the profile of the individual and to that end, the supporting certification that has been supplied by that person, may not be recognised by ISKGA or other NGB organisations.  We encourage registered guides to undertake a personal action plan in undertaking and pursuing the ISKGA Modular training scheme. This shows their interest and commitment to be a more up to date and professional commercial guide.

The cost to register with ISKGA is £50.00 per year

ISKGA Coastal Guide

If the title below the guides profile picture indicates that he/she is an I.S.K.G.A Coastal Guide – it means that he/she has completed all of the generic I.S.K.G.A coastal modules and has been recommended by his/her trainer to go forward for an ‘Observation’. He/she has then gone forward for an ‘Observation’ as approved by I.S.K.G.A and has been ‘Observed’ by an I.S.K.G.A Observer and was deemed at the time of his/her observation to be able to complete the I.S.K.G.A Coastal Guide syllabus at a satisfactory level.

Alternatively, due to previous experience or awards from various organisations, the Coastal Guide may have applied to go straight towards an 'Observation' and has successfully passed that process (if this is the case, this guide must then complete the system, if they wish to deliver it to others)  and/or has been approved at the ‘Coastal Guide’ Level by the technical committee of I.S.K.G.A

I.S.K.G.A Coastal Guides need to hold the appropriate level of Sea Kayak Proficiency/leadership level from their home nations National Governing Body (NGB), preferably before they attend a coastal guide training. This qualification may be included during a guide training program however. A provisional (P) status will be applied to any guides profile page until they have achieved this personal performance/leadership award.

A ‘Provisional’ status will also be applied if a guide, when they pass through the observation process shows that they are deficient in time spent on commercial Coastal environment expeditions. This Status indicated by a (P) will be removed when evidence of a log book showing 42 expedition days is provided or after a probationary period of 18 months of commercial guiding has been completed.

After this probationary time period of 18 months has occurred the ISKGA Coastal/Advanced guide can start to mentor others, up to their guide level, passing on their experiences.

In regards to mentoring, only two trainees can be mentored at any one time and these trainee guides will need to be registered on the ISKGA system.

ISKGA Advanced Guide

If the title below the guides profile picture indicates that he/she is an I.S.K.G.A Advanced Guide – it means that he/she has completed all of the generic I.S.K.G.A Advanced modules and has been recommended by his/her trainer to go forward for an ‘Observation’. He/she has then gone forward for an ‘Observation’ as approved by  I.S.K.G.A and has been ‘Observed’ by an I.S.K.G.A Observer and was deemed at the time of his/her observation to be able to complete the I.S.K.G.A Advanced Guide syllabus at a satisfactory level.

Alternatively, due to previous experience or awards from various organisations, the Advanced Guide may have applied to go straight towards an 'Observation' and has successfully passed that process (if this is the case, this guide must then complete the system, if they wish to deliver it to others)  and/or has been approved at the ‘Advanced Guide’ Level by the technical committee of I.S.K.G.A

I.S.K.G.A Advanced Guides need to hold the appropriate level of Sea Kayak Proficiency/leadership level from their home nations National Governing Body (NGB), preferably before they attend an advanced guide training. This qualification may be included during a guide training program however. A provisional (P) status will be applied to any guides profile page until they have achieved this personal performance/leadership award.

A ‘Provisional’ status will also be applied if a guide, when they pass through the observation process shows they are deficient in commercial or Advanced environment expeditions. This Status indicated by a (P) can be removed when evidence of a log book shows 42 expedition days is provided or after a probationary period of 18 months of commercial guiding has been completed.

After this probationary time period of 18 months has occurred the ISKGA Coastal/Advanced guide can start to mentor others, up to their guide level, passing on their experiences. Only two trainees can be mentored at any one time and these trainee guides will need to be registered on the ISKGA system.

ISKGA National Training Academies

Each member nation will have a National Training Academy (NTA).

NTA's can deliver the full modular guide training program and are responsible for co-ordinating their countries training & observations. They also co-ordinate and maintain a database of their countries trainee guides, guides and expedition centres.

NTA’s need to hold a 'Coastal or Advanced Guide award or employ an ISKGA 'Observed' Guide who also possesses their ‘Home Nation’s’ NGB awards in coaching, assessment, personal performance and leadership at the level to which they are running guide training programs.  

NTA’s must also employ a Guide who is qualified in the Marine/wilderness First Aid trainer/assessor award or is working towards this program.

The ISKGA ‘Method of Instruction’ module is not sufficient as a stand alone award to train other commercial guides. If the National Training centre does not fall under a National Governing Body, it should turn towards the British Canoeing framework of Coaching awards.

If the National Trainer does not hold the above status, they may be considered as the 'National C0-ordinator until they have completed their training and observation process.

ISKGA Expedition Centres

ISKGA Expedition Centres run expeditions that have met with the ISKGA  ‘Approved Expedition’ standards and to that end employ an ISKGA Guide who is qualified at the appropriate level.

ISKGA Expedition Centres can also run the following modules: Expedition Skills, Sea Survival, Sea Kayak Safety & Rescue & the Fundamentals of sea kayaking Levels 1, 2 & 3.

This enables the expedition centre to offer adequate training to be able to create proficient expedition team members to attend the expeditions that they offer.

Expedition Centres do not train other ISKGA guides, but they can mentor their work force through the ISKGA system under the guidance of a national trainer.

If the director/owner of the expedition centre does not hold the above awards, they need to employ an ISKGA Advanced or Coastal guide that is able to lead and deliver the above programs and expeditions.

The cost to register your expedition centre with ISKGA is £300.00 (annual fee).

APL (Approved Prior Learning) Process

ISKGA recognises skill levels and experience that exists within the Sea Kayaking community, and are happy to APL guides across and into the ISKGA framework. However for a guide to become a module provider they must have attended, all of the generic modules or show sufficient evidence and have experience of delivering the generic subjects to a high standard, if this is not evident, the APL’d guide must attend the ISKGA Trainers course to fully identify with the system requirements, until this has been completed a provisional (P) status shall be applied.

ISKGA is not competing with other organisations such as National Governing Bodies, our aims and aspirations are to develop extremely proficient guides who operate in wilderness/remote environments, to that end, if you are applying to join ISKGA to avoid your home nations sea kayaking related awards, you will be asked to complete these qualifications prior to the provisional status being removed from your profile.

ISKGA Observer

The I.S.K.G.A Observer is an appointed position only and he/she has been appointed by the I.S.K.G.A technical team. He/she has extensive knowledge and practical experience of sea kayak guiding and coaching and understands the syllabus intimately, the ISKGA Observer will have a back ground in First Aid instruction and recognise the need for continuity throughout the observation when it comes to dealing with incidents during this scenario based assessment process.

He/she will understand the methods by which the observation process should be conducted and be fully able to assume control of the 'Observation' at any time.

The Observer will hold the required NGB levels of coaching/assessing qualifications as well as having a high level of practical first aid experience and award

The ‘Observation’ Process is an intensive and thorough process, the candidate wishing to go forwards for an Observation must first of all speak with his/her trainer and gain a ‘Trainers Recommendation’, the trainer will then apply to the National Training Academy on behalf of the candidate for the Observation process to begin.

Alternatively the trainee, if having worked through his/her workbook utilising a series of trainers, can apply directly to ISKGA for approval to go forward for Observation, to do this, the candidates application must be sent through to ISKGA along with the trainees Log book where a decision will then be made by the ISKGA Technical committee or chairman to approve that the Observation can take place.

Once these requirements have been completed, the trainee candidate will then be provided with dates for the next available Observation and shall receive the Observation diagnostic test paper.

The Observation is conducted over a two to three day period depending on ratio's (including two night paddling periods), is overseen by a Course director and is conducted by one or sometimes two ISKGA Observers, who may work independently of each other.

At the end of the three days, the clients who have volunteered to assist on the Observation will complete a questionnaire which is aimed at delivering a ‘Client’s perspective’ on the candidates performance, the Observers shall then meet with the Course director and the results shall be determined between the Observers notes and the clients feedback, this process shall be under the guidance of the course director.

ISKGA Affiliated Centers

An I.S.K.G.A affiliated centre, means that the business advertising on that web page is using the website for advertising purposes only. That they have registered themselves with the I.S.K.G.A but that this business has not been trained, approved or observed by any individual within I.S.K.G.A – in any way.

The information within Affiliated Centre pages, has not been validated by any individual within I.S.K.G.A and is portrayed only for the purpose of supporting the profile of the business. The supporting certification that has been supplied by that business has not been validated.

The products which are being run through that business have not been approved or validated by any other member of I.S.K.G.A or by its technical committee.

The cost to register your centre with ISKGA is £200.00 (annual fee).

ISKGA Technical Advisors & National Trainers

I.S.K.G.A Technical Advisors/Subject Matter Experts (SME's) and National Trainers have been selected for their specialist knowledge, practical experience and training in the below listed areas of expertise.

Technical advisors & SME's are there to offer advice and guidance to the I.S.K.G.A technical team in the maintenance and development of a live syllabus and are a valuable resource for other I.S.K.G.A members to reference to if required.

National Trainers will have other, professional supporting qualifications, in the areas of Expedition Skills, Coaching, First Aid, Sea Safety & Survival and shall be fully familiar with the ISKGA Guide program as well as having commercial guide experience.

They offer guidance in the following areas:

First Aid

Sea Safety

Sea Survival

Expedition Skills

Hostile Environments



Paddling in Ice

Winter Paddling & survival skills

Safety Recommendations for the construction of Sea Kayaks

I.S.K.G.A recommends that all sea kayaks used by ISKGA Sea Kayak Guides are manufactured in accordance with the home nations manufacturing laws and that they meet all health and safety criteria as applicable to the nation in which they are operating, that these sea kayaks are in good condition and suitable for the client base they are working for.

Further recommendations to manufacturers are that, at the point of sale, a written and verbal recommendation is made to the purchaser that they seek professional tuition from a recognised and qualified kayaking coach/instructor before use.

That the purchaser registers their kayak with the coast guard or appropriate authority.


Toggles & end grabs: The sea kayak should be fitted with Toggles which extend beyond the bow and stern of the sea kayak and that these toggles are free of any loops through which fingers can become trapped and injured.

Bulkheads: That the sea kayak has water tight bulkheads and hatch covers to prevent overall flooding during a capsize or rescue, if the sea kayak is not fitted with hatches or bulkheads, that the sea kayak has adequate buoyancy to prevent sinking and that this buoyancy is fitted well enough that it does not float away from the sea kayak during a capsize and rescue. It is recommended that sea socks are used in this instance to prevent water flooding beyond the cockpit position.

Performance: The sea kayak should be designed where it is able to counter the effects of wind, this may be through appropriate hull design, the fitting of a mechanical or permanent skeg or rudder system.

Deck Fittings: The sea kayak should be manufactured where all through deck fittings are recessed and that the sea kayak has suitable deck lines both fore and aft of the cockpit position, the sea kayak should also have deck elastics to store essential safety items beneath, such as spare paddles and bilge pumps.

Storage: Sea kayaks should be fitted with a water proof storage compartment where other safety items can be safely stored and accessed whilst afloat, with enough volume to carry items such as distress & signal flares, emergency food, first aid equipment, repair equipment, emergency hatch covers, emergency shelters, water, VHF radios and other signalling devices such as PLB’s and EPIRBS.

Training Framework

Take a look in more detail at the ISKGA training framework.