About This Guide
Employed as an RNLI Trainer responsible for training volunteer lifeboat crews in all aspect of life-boating. Including Sea Survival, First Aid and Search and Rescue.
A keen Sea Kayaker, having taken part in a number of sea kayaking expeditions including kayaking from Fowey in Cornwall to Poole and circumnavigated the Isle of Wight.
I can deliver BCU Aquatic First Aid training and expedition advice. In 2011-2012 I rowed across the Atlantic from Morocco to Barbados.
Advanced Guide
Advanced Guide Observation
Advanced Leadership
Advanced Planning
Advanced Skills
Coastal Guide Modules Passed
Coastal Guide Observation
Coastal Leadership
Coastal Planning
Coastal Skills
Expedition Skills
First Aid
Food Hygene
Generic Modules Passed
Incident Management
Sea Kayaking Fundamentals Modules Passed
Sea Survival
Sea Survival Trainer for the RNLI. Qualified Merchant Navy Training Board Sea Survival Trainer since 2004
VHF license
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