About This Guide
Adrian has sadly passed, but he was a key member of the Irish paddling community with more than 30 years of experience in sea kayaking on the north coast and west coast of Ireland he also explored and guided on the west coast of Scotland and paddled in Lofoten, Norway. Although he did not participate in any major sea expeditions, as white water was his favourite discipline. Adrian was a key individual in helping to establish the ISKGA community in Ireland and was one of the first guides to attain his advanced guide award. We have kept Adrians profile page active out of respect and in his memory as a founding member of ISKGA Ireland
Advanced Guide
Advanced Guide Observation
Advanced Leadership
CANI 5* Sea
Advanced Planning
Advanced Skills
CANI 5* Sea
L4 Sea / Surf / Whitewater
Coastal Guide Modules Passed
Coastal Guide Observation
Coastal Leadership
CANI 4* Sea
Coastal Planning
Coastal Skills
CANI 4* Sea
Expedition Skills
First Aid
Level 2 Aquatic First Aid
Food Hygene
Generic Modules Passed
Incident Management
Sea Kayaking Fundamentals Modules Passed
Sea Survival
VHF license
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